Your Roles and Responsibilities as Executor of a Will
Everyone should have a will. It’s a keystone of any estate plan, and it’s a critical way to ensure that your assets pass to your loved ones – and not the state – after you pass. It’s easy to be intimidated by some of the technical aspects of estate planning, particularly given...
Estate Planning Mistakes That Can Land You in Probate Court
Estate planning can be a challenging process, but it only becomes more difficult if legal issues arise that require resolution in probate court. Setting your affairs in order to make sure things run smoothly after your passing can be a delicate process, and estate planning mistakes can cause costly and painful delays...
Five Things to Consider Before Executing a Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney agreement is one of the most powerful contracts recognized by American law. It is a written conveyance of one person’s legal authority – the “principal” – to another – the “agent.” While these agreements can be standard for medical procedures and common lifetime planning practices, a Power of...
Is an Incentive Trust Right for You? Here’s What You Need to Know.
Incorporating Medicaid Planning Into Your Estate Plan
At M&A Law, we know most people put off estate planning for a number of reasons. Sometimes people simply do not want to face the reality that they will die or could, at some point, become disabled. Other times people find estate planning to be too complicated a process. Often, it just...
Ensure Your Estate Plan Protects You From Elder Abuse.
What’s the Difference Between Power of Attorney and Guardianship?
Having Kids Later in Life? Here’s What You Should Consider When Planning Your Estate
What Kind of Estate is Right for Me?
One of the most common questions our experienced Illinois estate planning attorneys get from clients is, “What kind of estate should I choose? Which is right for me?” The answer is that it depends on what you want people to have and when you want them to have it! A good estate planning...
How Do You Make Sure Your Will is Valid?
Whether you are just married, have been married for decades, or if you’re single with no dependents, you need a will. A will is an important legal instrument that ensures your assets are distributed according to your intent after you die. Creating a will might sound like a hassle, and you might be...